dizzy's playlist

Friday, December 30, 2011

last post for 2011 :')

huhh... u knw what i wish for really hard. is if that i could turnback time. i mean like, seriously, i've wasted a lot in 2011 this year. shit, and tomorrow is kinda what i would call the unready destiny. i mean like, those kids who just finished pmr, upsr and such, they dont knw shit yet. but this, this is fate. mortal fate. i wanna cry though i am a man. yes, cry. i admit my defeat,  and i strongly suggest that the kids of tomorrow wont regret like i have rite now on the fall off 2011, this is my post for the second last day of 2011. by next wednesday i'd already be sumwhere i wish i had never entered, never had had so many monents in a year, regret leaving my friends and making new good ones and regrets most of the mistakes i have already done shamelessly. kids, if i were to sit like ted mosbey and talk bout great adventures like he did, i wanted it to be the things i wished i had never done. thinkking wht had happened if i were not to do much of those mistakes. this is dzarif, signing off.